Thu 19 December
— Conversation dinner with PUBLIC FOOD
For what actual reason have we outsourced our entire food system to commercial enterprises? Food companies make billions in profits, while one in seven Dutch people do not have enough healthy food at their disposal, with the less fortunate often finding it more convenient and less costly to buy unhealthy food. Against this background, PUBLIC FOOD advocates making good, nutritious and healthy food a basic provision, similar to how it is currently the case with childcare, public transport and clean tap water. Besides campaigning to raise awareness on this subject, PUBLIC FOOD has recently set up MENSA MENSA in Rotterdam-Zuid: a place where you can pick up healthy meals at snack bar prices, prepare meals for the whole week yourself under the guidance of a cook, and where cooking classes for children are organised.
On Thursday 19 December, PUBLIC FOOD will provide the food for the first RADIUS MENSA, will share their story of how they have evolved over the years, and engage in discussion with participants on how we can unite to ensure that healthy food becomes a basic provision.
From December 2024, RADIUS will start a monthly series of conversation dinners: the RADIUS MENSA. Every last Thursday of the month, RADIUS will host a vegan meal and invite a speaker or initiative focussing on one topic related to climate change and local, personal approaches to it. From everyday activism to climate depression, from the psychological impact of climate reports to the importance of civic initiatives and assemblies, all kinds of topics will be discussed. Come along and join us for a good conversation and a meal!
⌀ Date: Thursday 19 December 2024
⌀ Doors open: 17:30
⌀ RADIUS MENSA: 18:00 – 20:00
⌀ Language: Dutch
⌀ Free of charge, R.S.V.P required
⌀ Location: RADIUS, Kalverbos 20
⌀ Note that the location is not wheelchair accessible. Please get in contact with us to discuss alternative ways to allow your participation.