Thu 28 March
RADIUS is delighted to invite you to join a game night on Thursday the 28th of March, to collectively play the POST GROWTH TOOLKIT card game, which forms part of the exhibition THE DESIRE FOR A DONUT(ECONOMY).
At the intersection of science and speculative fiction, the POST GROWTH TOOLKIT game proposes to literally reshuffle our world-views and to share stories, concepts and objects to re-examine how we are programmed. It takes the form of a tactical card game: where small groups of players are invited to explore a number of key notions. The game becomes a means of transmission and collective debate intended to help participants find their bearings in a period of radical change.
⌀ Date: Thursday 28 March
⌀ Doors open: 19:00 – 19:30
⌀ Introduction POST GROWTH TOOLKIT: 19:30 – 19:50
⌀ Game time: 19:50 – 21:00
⌀ Drinks reception: 21:00 – 21:30
⌀ Free admission, R.S.V.P. required
⌀ Location: RADIUS, Kalverbos 20
⌀ Please note that the location is not wheelchair accessible