CCA Center for Contemporary Art and Ecology


The education programs at RADIUS address questions concerning the ways by which art can reflect on and contribute to our understanding of contemporary social, political and environmental issues. The basis of the education programs for primary, secondary and higher education is inquiry-based learning: a proactive form of learning that starts with asking questions and raising debating positions. Memorizing facts and information is not the most important skill in today's world. After all, facts change and information has become more immediately available. What is needed, however, is an understanding of how we can interpretate and understand this mass of data. Inquiry is not so much seeking the right answer—because often there is none—but rather seeking appropriate solutions to questions and problems. Inquiry-based learning is therefore an effective method to stimulate and develop 21st Century Skills—a term that summarizes critical and creative thinking based on curiosity.

For questions regarding our education program you can reach out to educator Fleur Knops via education@radius-cca.org.

The youngest generation of Delft residents are an important target group for RADIUS, partly due to the importance of the presence of art and culture in a child's formative years. That is why tailor-made workshops are being developed especially for primary schools, in which creativity and experimentation is enhanced in line with the exhibition programme. Following the opening exhibition EMOTIONS ARE OCEANS, RADIUS has assembled the education workshop ATLANTIS based on the following tenor:

For centuries scientists and adventurers alike have been searching for Atlantis, the mythical city that disappeared under water. At this moment in time a new Atlantis is foreseeable, but adults fail to prevent the increasing rise of the sea level. Fish swim in plastic soup, corals are dying and ice caps are melting. Children must take action now! How do they prevent the North Sea from flooding Delft? Which solutions can they draw up to prevent a new Atlantis happening in Delft, and how do they consider non-human life forms in their designs?

⌀ Elementary school grade 5 and 6, age 10 and 11.
⌀ This education workshop is conceived in collaboration with DOK Kunstklik.
⌀ 1.000 participants in 2022.
⌀ The emphasis in this workshop is on the increasing entanglement between nature and culture.
⌀ Participants are asked to advocate for and respresent different more-than-human stakeholders.